Monday, January 5, 2009

Eclipse #2

Well, I just read what I think is one of the best chapters in the book, Fire and Ice. This chapter is when Bella and Edward stay in the mountains while the rest of his family fights the newborns. In this chapter, it is so cold that Edward agrees to allow Jacob to stay in the tent to keep Bella warm. This, of course, makes for a very interesting night, given the fact that Edward can read Jacob's mind and know what he is thinking the whole night. I think that the fact that Edward is so willing to do this shows us even more how much he cares about Bella, because he lets Jacob, a werewolf that has cared about her from the beginning, keep her warm by sleeping inside of the sleeping bag with her.
Like always, I put myself into Bella's position, and I can't imagine how anyone would be so willing to do that for someone just because they loved them and wanted them to be safe. I don't think I have ever met anyone that would be as willing to do anything for the one they love as Edward is.
Once Bella is asleep, she begins to hear Edward and Jacob talking. She thinks it is a dream but she cannot tell whether it is actually happening or not. They talk about things that Bella has wanted to hear and things she never knew that help her understand some things better. She never fully wakes up and just lays there listening to them talk. When Edward has finally had enough he begins to hum her lullaby, even though he doesn't know that she is listening, and she falls back asleep.
I love this chapter because it reaffirms how much Edward loves Bella and how willing he is to do anything for her. It is just a really fun chapter to read and put yourself into.

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