Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Breaking Dawn

So... Edward and Bella have finally gotten married. I love the first few chapters of Breaking Dawn just because it is finally the wedding and it's just fun to read and picture it in your mind.

Alice, like always, goes all out with the wedding decorations and Bella cannot even believe it. Before the wedding, Bella has a dream about the Volturi being in Forks, and she sees that all of her friends and family have been killed and there is a baby vampire on top of them all. She remembers this after she thinks about a story Carlisle told her one night about some vampires turning infants into vampires. They are so small that they cannot control themselves and they have killing sprees that could kill entire cities. This dream foreshadows a lot of what comes up in the rest of the book. Each part of this dream comes up in some way or another in the book. The vampire child, the Volturi showing up, having to "say goodbye" to her friends and family. There are a lot of things that are foreshadowed in the book, but they are also very subtle and hard to find until you read the book again or read very closely.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Eclipse #3

In the beginning of the next chapter in Eclipse, Jacob leaves to join the Cullens in the fight, but Bella cannot stand to see him leave. Edward leaves to bring him back so Bella can talk to him. While she is waiting, she keeps asking herself why she needs him so much and why she cannot just let him go.
"Why was that so hard? So very much more difficult than saying goodbye to my other friends, to Angela, to Mike? Why did that hurt? It wasn't right. That shouldn't be able to hurt me. I had what I wanted. I couldn't have them both, because Jacob could not be just my friend. It was time to give up wishing for that. How ridiculously greedy could any one person be?"p. 518
Bella wonders why it is so difficult for her to say goodbye to Jacob, more so that Angela or Mike or any of her other friends. She realizes that she isn't just thinking about the fight anymore, but she is thinking about being turned into a vampire and the fact that they will have to leave and she can't come back to Forks.
She also believes that she cannot be with Edward and still be friends with Jacob. Being in that situation would make not only her life harder, but also Edward and Jacob's. Knowing that Jacob loved her while she was in love with Edward would make her feel bad that she is making Jake miserable, and Edward would always be trying to comfort her and tell her that it isn't her fault.
This quote explains part of the reason why Bella has always had trouble with deciding between Edward and Jacob and keeping her life on track while still having both of them in her life.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Eclipse #2

Well, I just read what I think is one of the best chapters in the book, Fire and Ice. This chapter is when Bella and Edward stay in the mountains while the rest of his family fights the newborns. In this chapter, it is so cold that Edward agrees to allow Jacob to stay in the tent to keep Bella warm. This, of course, makes for a very interesting night, given the fact that Edward can read Jacob's mind and know what he is thinking the whole night. I think that the fact that Edward is so willing to do this shows us even more how much he cares about Bella, because he lets Jacob, a werewolf that has cared about her from the beginning, keep her warm by sleeping inside of the sleeping bag with her.
Like always, I put myself into Bella's position, and I can't imagine how anyone would be so willing to do that for someone just because they loved them and wanted them to be safe. I don't think I have ever met anyone that would be as willing to do anything for the one they love as Edward is.
Once Bella is asleep, she begins to hear Edward and Jacob talking. She thinks it is a dream but she cannot tell whether it is actually happening or not. They talk about things that Bella has wanted to hear and things she never knew that help her understand some things better. She never fully wakes up and just lays there listening to them talk. When Edward has finally had enough he begins to hum her lullaby, even though he doesn't know that she is listening, and she falls back asleep.
I love this chapter because it reaffirms how much Edward loves Bella and how willing he is to do anything for her. It is just a really fun chapter to read and put yourself into.

Sunday, January 4, 2009


I've been reading Eclipse again...yes again...and I noticed that once I have already read all the books I can slow down and really think about what is in the book and understand it better.

When Jasper explains his story about before he was with the Cullens, Bella realizes that they are all truly comfortable with her around and telling her everything about them. Bella feels like she is really a part of the family and she wants to help in the fight against the newborns and Victoria in any way that she can, as long as it will keep the Cullens safe. The fact that she is willing to do this tells the reader that she would do anything for them and she just wants them to be safe. She ends up convincing herself that it is her fault that they have to go through this fight and risk their lives. Although Edward keeps telling her that it isn't her fault and that the fight will be easy, she still is not comfortable with him fighting. Bella asks him to sit out from the fight and stay with her while his family takes on the newborns. While Edward and Bella are alone together before the fight, he finally gets Bella to agree to marry him.

This is how far I have read right now, and I have realized how much I missed the first time I read Eclipse, most likely because I was so into the books that I couldn't stop reading. I'll post more on Eclipse later.