Tuesday, September 30, 2008


I have continued to read Greed by Robin Wasserman over the past few weeks. I have found some interesting quotes throughout the book, but one really got my attention. "Graduation only meant the end of high school, she told herself, not the end of everything." p. 236 I thought that that quote was something that everyone can relate to and take something from. There are many people who think that at the end of high school they will never see their friends again because they are going to different places. They may also think nothing will be the same after they graduate. It is true that it won't be the same, but that does not necessarily have to be a bad thing. I realized this past year when many of my friends left for college that it would be a while until I saw them again, but I also realized that just because they may be across the country, that doesn't mean my life has to end or that it will never be the same. Having the chance to make new friends and still have my friends who were at college has made my life that much better. I believe that if I, or anyone in that position, had stayed in that mind frame, I would not be having the fun I am now and I wouldn't have met some of the people I met.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Pawlenty Pushes New Teaching Rules

Our governor wants to change the way teachers get into their job, their pay, and how they keep up to date skills. In this article on startribune.com, Pawlenty says he wants to have "...summer school programs geared toward eighth-graders whose test results show a need for extra help in math and reading." I think it is a good thing to have special summer school programs for different ages, but not just one grade (8th grade), because if you get them the help they need earlier in their education, they can become a better student earlier. If you target students at a younger age to get help in subjects they are struggling in, they should be able to understand it more in the following years and get a better education during those years. He does not mention anything about new school funding, which is what many teachers are looking at the most. Pawlenty says this would be "unwise" to guarantee the major funding schools are looking for. The chair of the House education committee says that he is avoiding the big picture of school funding. She also says that those are not new ideas on how to change teaching rules. I do not think this is a good idea, because I don't believe it looks at the real issues that teachers are thinking about and what the community is thinking about.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Book Post - Greed

I have been reading the book Greed by Robin Wasserman. I think this book is a good one to read because it has issues that everybody deals with, some more than others. I have really been able to connect with this book and it has helped me to see things differently. It deals with 7 high school students and how they get through life and whatever it throws at them. There is a lot in this book that I have gone through and had to deal with. One thing they have to deal with is a car accident that leaves one friend dead and the other injured. The girl that is injured has trouble understanding why it wasn't her that died and why it had to happen at all. I had to go through a situation almost identical to this last year when some of my good friends were in a car accident last year and one of them did not make it through the next day in the hospital. I think this book would be a good one for anybody to read because anybody can connect to it and see something in it that has happened in their life, too. This book is also part of a series, the Seven Deadly Sins, which I have read the rest of. Greed is the last book in the series and so far it has done a good job of wrapping up everything. Each book has a different situation to deal with and something different to think about.

Monday, September 15, 2008


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